Paying Social Media Jobs

How about earning $175 - $280 a day for liking Facebook posts?

If you know how to Tweet, like a post on Facebook, or upload a video to YouTube (it’s simple and they’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions) then these Paying Social Media Jobs could be the simplest money you ever make.

You can get paid to help businesses post content to their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

They’re looking for ordinary folks from the United States to help online companies promote their businesses through social media using their phone or tablet.

You don’t need to know anything about social media advertising as this is an entry-level position and full training is provided.

The pay averages $35 an hour.  $175 - $280 a day depending on the hours worked.  Posting to social media accounts is obviously done online so this is a remote position available to people from the U.S.

You need three things:

  1. An internet-connected device such as a laptop, phone, or tablet (Android or IOS).
  2. Internet access.
  3. At least 5 hours available each day to use social media to promote these companies.

Have you ever Tweeted or made a Facebook post? Then you have all the experience you need to start these jobs. These businesses are looking to hire regular social media users not social media advertising executives.

Better yet, Paying Social Media Jobs offers full training on everything you need to know so you can pocket your first $35 an hour ASAP. There’s high demand for new workers to start these jobs right away.

How about earning $175 - $280 per day posting YouTube comments?

Earn money by posting YouTube comments using a simple four-step process:

  1. Click the pre-given link to the company’s YouTube video.
  2. Log into company commenting account.
  3. Copy and paste the pre-written comment into the box.
  4. Post!

This is very straight-forward work.  You’ll be able to do it while watching TV or listening to podcasts.  If you’re looking for difficult and challenging work, this probably isn’t the job for you.

But the money might be.

Click here:

Paying Social Media Jobs

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