Mobile Traffic

How Does Mobile Traffic Really Affect Your Business?

Do you run an online business?  A local business?  Or a business that combines a physical presence along with an online one?

Well, no matter what you’re doing right now in your marketing efforts, you need a mobile presence and you need it yesterday if you want to survive.

If you’re not already taking advantage of the traffic generated by mobile media, then at least you must have heard about it.  Or read about it.  

Do you have any idea how many of your customers are using their mobile devices … their smartphones and tablets … to instantly find out what they want to know?

They’re using this access to mobile websites and mobile apps to change:

  • How they get information.
  • How they communicate.
  • How they get entertained.
  • How they stay informed.
  • How they buy.

Consumers can now use their mobile devices to interact with businesses from anywhere in the world.  And at any time. 

I write a travel blog … Utah Travel Secrets … and 56% of its traffic is mobile traffic.  And it continues to grow even though I’ve stepped away from it for awhile.

According to StatCounter, as of February 2016, 56% of the world’s internet traffic is from mobile devices.  Mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic completely!  Crazy right?

Think about it.  A little more than 10 years ago, the iPhone didn’t even exist.  It was first released on June 29, 2007. 

Apple’s iPhone business now accounts for 69% of its revenue.  And that revenue is bigger than Coca Cola and McDonalds combined.

The informed mobilized shopper fully expects to find what they’re looking for.  And they want it now.

If you own or run a business … any kind of business whether online or even local … you’ve got to be aware of some game-changing trends about mobile traffic or your business won’t survive.

  • 94% of all Smartphone users have used their phone to look for local buying information.  Information about you and your competitors.
  • 70% of those potential customers have called a business after their mobile search.
  • 66% of them visited a business … in person … that they found on their mobile device.
  • 90% of those who visited a business they found on a mobile device did it within 24 hours.

Buyers now have all the power and sellers are at their mercy. 

Your job as a successful marketer is to become the source of knowledge … the voice your prospects listen to … when they’re making buying decisions. 

But You’ve Got To Be Available In The Medium They Prefer

Mobile device owners are searching for information.  Just like those with larger devices have done in the past.  And, of course, still do.  Information they can use immediately to make a decision. 

And they want a user-friendly experience.  They lack the time and the patience to jump through hoops. 

If their experience isn’t a positive one, “they gone” as well-known Chicago White Sox announcer Hawk Harrelson would say. 

93% of all buying decisions today still start with an online search!  And for a business to do well in those searches, they must rank well in the search engines.

This works the same no matter what size screen the consumer is using.  In one study I read:

  • 42.25% of all click-through traffic came from the first search engine ranking position.
  • 11.94% came from the number two position.
  • 8.47% came from the third position.
  • Leaving only 37.34% for everyone else!

If you’re a retailer … or a local business … the top positions are even more important.  With the average consumer now doing so much of their shopping on a smartphone, being the first stop is often the last stop.

If your mobilized website ranks high in the search engine rankings, you’ll attract ready-to-buy customers.


If Your Site Isn’t Mobile Friendly, You’re Losing Customers

If you mobilize your site, visitors will explore your site and return based on what their initial experience is.  If it’s a bad one, 52% of them won’t return.

In fact, 48% of them will decide that a company doesn’t care about them if their mobilized website sucks.

Do You Need Mobile Responsive Design?

Mobile responsive web design means that you have the exact same URL for your mobile website as for your regular website.

It also means that your mobile website will fit any size device … smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.  And be formatted correctly while being easy to read.

The best part?  When your mobile site has the same URL as your regular site, you don’t have to do any extra SEO work to rank your site higher.  It’s the same site.

When your mobile traffic is going to a different URL, you have to do separate SEO and marketing work to move that site up in the rankings. 

Prospects and customers want information now and they’re using their smartphones and mobile devices to make buying decisions on the spot. 

And those same people are going back to the businesses they’ve developed that relationship with.

If you haven’t mobilized your website yet, what are you waiting for?

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